Project Details
  • Year


  • Company

    Royal Bank of Scotland

  • Type

    Mobile Design

  • Project

    Royal Bank of Scotland Hackathon


At RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) and in its innovation center called Open experience or OX, a hackathon is organized every year to encourage new employees, mostly interns, to apply innovation and design thinking to everything they do.  It’s a week full of activities and all teams have the opportunity to present their ideas to a jury that would select three winners to continue working on their projects. Presentations required to demonstrate their concepts with high-fi mock-ups and good quality imagery. Most of the ideas are mobile digital products that can improve RBS users and employees' experience.


To create medium to high fidelity mock-ups and good quality imagery for every project, with only a quick briefing from the team and sometimes sketches. Understand the team’s concepts and translate it into an appealing poster.


 UI-UX designer, I created some mock-ups, logos and poster for the teams.


Safe-move -  Face detection verification (Biometrics) in order to register a new payee, make payments and other delicate transactions.

HackTrix – Is an application that helps and educates RBS customers to protect themselves and loved ones against phishing scams and cyber crime by watching videos and completing tutorials with a step by step process.

Travel prompt – Is an RBS app that helps the customer to notify the bank when going on vacation and get information regarding currency rates.

Notifraud – Is an extension of the RBS app with the purpose to notify customers when a suspicious transaction takes place and provide an easy way to cancel cards when lost or robbed.

Intranet website – RBS Intranet web page for new employees, to help them with the on boarding proves where training and tutorials can be completed and keep track of its progress.

EVA – Is a virtual personal assistant that helps RBS’ employees when struggling with an internal movement operation like blocking their session or forgotten passwords.



 Open Experience UI design team


Sketch and Photoshop
