Project Details
  • Year


  • Company

    Diseño Neko

  • Type

    Product Design

  • Project



Revolutionizing urban landscapes, the Sidewalk Extension (Parklet) in Mexico City stands as a beacon of community engagement, fostering vibrant public spaces that empower inhabitants to thrive. Crafted with meticulous attention to address prevalent urban challenges, this innovative design serves as a catalyst for transformation.

Envisioned as a communal focal point, the Sidewalk Extension (Parklet) embodies a commitment to enhancing security, leisure, social interaction, and collective harmony within the cityscape. Through thoughtful integration of sustainable practices, it not only mitigates environmental impact but also sets a precedent for conscientious urban development.

Constructed from reclaimed materials, this sustainable platform ingeniously repurposes urban spaces, seamlessly blending into the fabric of the city while reclaiming parking areas.

* Collaboration with the Diseño Neko Team further enriches its design, infusing it with creativity and expertise to ensure its seamless integration into the urban tapestry.